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The Podcast for Smart Executives, Managers, and Entrepreneurs

Improve Business Performance by

Identifying Issues Hiding in Plain View That Matter to Your Bottom Line


    WHY LISTEN? Because what you don’t know about business can really hurt you

    WHAT DO YOU GET? Interviews with experts and thought leaders on topics you need to succeed

    WHAT ELSE? Curated Playlists to zero in on topics you’re most interested in

    WHEN? Every Thursday

    WHERE? Available wherever podcasts are streaming

    WITH?  Your no nonsense host, Hanna Hasl-Kelchner

Photo by Juja Han on Unsplash

Recent Episodes of Business Confidential Now with Hanna Hasl-Kelchner

Time Management Secrets of Highly Successful People

Time Management Secrets of Highly Successful People

Why we let ourselves get caught in time management traps and effective solutions to getting more done in less time.
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How to Keep Fake News From Ruining Your Online Reputation

How to Keep Fake News From Ruining Your Online Reputation

How to minimize negative reviews and other fake news about you on websites and social media.
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How to Interpret Body Language for More Successful Deals

How to Interpret Body Language for More Successful Deals

How the body language you're seeing can differ from what your subconscious is sensing and what it means for the message that is being sent.
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How to Leverage Consumer Buying Habits to Boost Sales

How to Leverage Consumer Buying Habits to Boost Sales

The three "meconomic" habits that drive consumer buying habits, what they mean for your business and how your can influence them.
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How to Spark Leadership Potential

How to Spark Leadership Potential

Discover why leadership potential exists at all levels of your organization, how to encourage it and how to leverage it to grow your business.
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Business Financial Statement Mistakes You Need to Avoid

Business Financial Statement Mistakes You Need to Avoid

The two biggest mistakes business owners make with their business financial statements and how you can easily avoid them to get more control of your business.
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How to Prevent Business Partnership Problems

How to Prevent Business Partnership Problems

How to build a successful business partnership with a friend without ruining the friendship, still have fun and create new wealth and prosperity.
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How to Easily Add Social Selling to Your Social Media Marketing Mix

How to Easily Add Social Selling to Your Social Media Marketing Mix

How to start creating your social selling plan, integrate into your business strategy and add it to your social media.
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How to be a Successful Mid-Life Entrepreneur

How to be a Successful Mid-Life Entrepreneur

Becoming a mid-life entrepreneur sounds scary, but Bill Seagraves explains how to know if you're ready to take the plunge and how to transition successfully.
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What You Need to Know About the Business Myth of Top Down Leadership

What You Need to Know About the Business Myth of Top Down Leadership

Top down leadership is a business myth that gets companies into trouble. Hear excerpts from previous guests who explain how and why.
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How to Effectively Grow a Family Owned Business Without Hating the People You Love

How to Effectively Grow a Family Owned Business Without Hating the People You Love

Why the startup phase of a family owned business is easier than the grown up phase and what to look out for to keep your business going for generations to come.
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Powerful Ways to Resolve Multi-Generational Workforce Problems

Powerful Ways to Resolve Multi-Generational Workforce Problems

The biggest challenges facing executives, managers and entrepreneurs when managing a multi-generational workforce and how to resolve them.
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How to Properly Manage Your Business Records

How to Properly Manage Your Business Records

Why business records management is an important process that's often ignored until it's too late. Discover how to avoid unwanted problems with good management.
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Radically Simple Way to Inspire Accountability in the Workplace

Radically Simple Way to Inspire Accountability in the Workplace

The 2 workforce trends you can't afford to ignore that demand more accountability in the workplace and how you can benefit from these changes.
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Reliable Ways to Stop a Burnout Meltdown

Reliable Ways to Stop a Burnout Meltdown

Why burnout is different than stress and the most reliable ways you can protect yourself and control unnecessary stress in your work life and at home.
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The Secret to Making the Ask Without Feeling Stupid

The Secret to Making the Ask Without Feeling Stupid

The biggest mistake that happens when making the ask and the proven ways to improve your success rate when making business deals.
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How to Responsibly Manage Power in Organizations

How to Responsibly Manage Power in Organizations

Renowned professor explains where power in organizations comes from, why it's necessary, and how it's a good thing. The answers will surprise you.
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Top 5 Small Business HR Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Top 5 Small Business HR Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Ignore

Small Business HR mistakes can creep into the hiring process, the firing process and everything in between. Don't let it ruin your business. Get the facts now.
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How One Sneaky Email Blind Spot Unleashes Ugly Legal Liability

How One Sneaky Email Blind Spot Unleashes Ugly Legal Liability

How one sneaky email blind spot can create 5 different problems for your business that no one wants to deal with, yet are incredibly easy to avoid.
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Expert Background Check Basics Every Smart Employer Needs to Know

Expert Background Check Basics Every Smart Employer Needs to Know

Discover the biggest problem with "do it yourself" background check and how what to look for when doing background checks for big-ticket hiring decisions.
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I’ve been listening to different segments from Business Confidential Now. I’m particularly enjoying the interview with Lou Diamond. I have spent many years in operations management and coaching employees, but the network outreach and business development side is very new to me as I’ve been forming my own organization Lion Lexicon. This interview confirms the lessons I’ve learned this year and has added unique insight.

I appreciate your engaging interview style balanced with a targeted and measured approach. As a professional transcript editor, I have heard many interviewers over the years, so I definitely appreciate this (also, actually listening and not stepping on your interviewee).

Alex J. Wagner

Managing Editor, Lion Lexicon Transcription & Editing