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high performance teamsBuilding a high performance business team is one of the biggest leadership challenges for executives, managers and entrepreneurs who want to take their business to a higher level.

How do you effectively leverage the talents of your business teams? How do you align them with your strategy and motivate flawless execution? In short, how do you achieve a performance break through?

Mike Goldman answers those questions and more when he joins host Hanna Hasl-Kelchner.


  • The number one obstacles small and mid-size companies face when scaling their business?
  • The “C-Player Trap” and what you can do about it to keep you business teams sharp
  • The 4 critical areas of business you must get right to achieve a breakthrough
  • What you can start doing today to start building a high performance business teams that won’t cost you a penny
  • And more


Mike Goldman

Mike Goldman is the author of Performance Breakthrough: The Four Secrets of Passionate Organizations and a business high performance coach who helps mid-size companies achieve dramatic business growth by helping them improve their business teams. He’s an experienced consultant who has worked for consulting giants, Accenture and Deloitte Consulting where he helped companies like Verizon, Disney, Polo Ralph Lauren, Chanel, Kmart, Dillard’s, Liz Claiborne and Levi Strauss.

In 2007 he founded Performance Breakthrough to help mid-sized companies apply the same strategies the big boys do, and he accomplishes this by working with leadership teams to ensure they have the right people, strategies and execution habits for growth. performance breakthrough


Contact Mike at Performance Breakthrough


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