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The Podcast for Smart Executives, Managers, and Entrepreneurs

Improve Business Performance by

Identifying Issues Hiding in Plain View That Matter to Your Bottom Line


    WHY LISTEN? Because what you don’t know about business can really hurt you

    WHAT DO YOU GET? Interviews with experts and thought leaders on topics you need to succeed

    WHAT ELSE? Curated Playlists to zero in on topics you’re most interested in

    WHEN? Every Thursday

    WHERE? Available wherever podcasts are streaming

    WITH?  Your no nonsense host, Hanna Hasl-Kelchner

Photo by Juja Han on Unsplash

Recent Episodes of Business Confidential Now with Hanna Hasl-Kelchner

What Every Responsible Leader Needs to Know About Pink-Collar Crime

What Every Responsible Leader Needs to Know About Pink-Collar Crime

Could pink-collar crime be happening in the shadows of your business? Today’s guest says embezzlement and fraud happen everywhere there’s trust and she explains how it happens and what you need to do to keep your business safe.
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Could Hiring Autonomous Workers be Smart for Your Business?

Could Hiring Autonomous Workers be Smart for Your Business?

Autonomous workers. Are they the key to your business success in a post-Covid world? Are they different from remote workers? Do they help or hurt your bottom line? Explore the concept of autonomous workers from a leadership perspective and learn more.
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Shrewd Invoicing Tips Every Smart Business Needs to Know About

Shrewd Invoicing Tips Every Smart Business Needs to Know About

If your business invoices aren’t being paid fast enough you might benefit from today’s invoicing tips so that you can improve your cash flow and get money rolling in sooner rather than later. And you’re in luck, the episode show notes include a link to FREE invoicing tips check...
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How to Reduce Pressure Cooker Stress in Your Business

How to Reduce Pressure Cooker Stress in Your Business

If you’re experiencing pressure cooker stress you’re not alone. No matter what size business you work in, the to do lists, the emails, the meetings, the demands on your time feel non-stop. But the good news is that my next guest is here to show you how you can...
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How to Successfully Drive the Strategy Execution Process

How to Successfully Drive the Strategy Execution Process

Business strategy execution looks easy on paper. But when you start to follow your plan and put it into action hiccups happen. Sean Ryan can help us zero in on how to smooth those speed bumps and how you can drive strategy to get results without taking detours.
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How Improvisation Skills Can Make You a Better Leader

How Improvisation Skills Can Make You a Better Leader

Improvisation skills in business sound counterintuitive. After all, there are strategic plans, goals, policies, procedures and other very carefully thought out activities. There doesn’t feel like much room for winging it. Yet today’s guest, Milo Shapiro, says using improvisation skills can actually make you a better business leader.
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Soft Skill Secrets That Are Essential to Workplace Trust

Soft Skill Secrets That Are Essential to Workplace Trust

Workplace trust can ebb and flow like an ocean tide depending on what we say and how we say it. Getting it right means sharpening your soft skills.
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How to Improve Your Project Management Skills

How to Improve Your Project Management Skills

Project management skills are essential to getting things done in your organization. Discover how to improve your own skills and when, and how to hire a pro.
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How to Promote Genuine Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

How to Promote Genuine Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

Genuine diversity in the workplace is something that eludes many employers regardless of their size. But Michelle Silverthorn has some eye opening tips on how to make meaningful progress.
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How to Use Peak Performance Psychology for More Competitive Edge

How to Use Peak Performance Psychology for More Competitive Edge

Applying peak performance psychology in a business setting can feel like a flavor of the month platitude at best and like pushing a mule up-hill at worst. Yet today’s guest, a peak performance coach who has worked with elite athletes says your mindset and mental training is what separates...
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Why Pinterest is the Perfect Tool to Boost Your Brand

Why Pinterest is the Perfect Tool to Boost Your Brand

Looking to boost your brand using social media? Stefan Ciancio says it's actually the PERFECT tool to drive brand awareness AND more organic website traffic.
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How to Drop Kick Sales Rejection and Close More Deals

How to Drop Kick Sales Rejection and Close More Deals

If sales rejection makes you uncomfortable, you’re not alone. David Rose reveals the triggers of sales rejection and how to conquer them.
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How to Use Hypnotic Communication for More Ethical Influence

How to Use Hypnotic Communication for More Ethical Influence

Certified professional hypnotist, Jason Linett, helps you harness the science of positive persuasion strategies for more ethical influence in closing premium sales.
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How the American Dream Came True for this Entrepreneur

How the American Dream Came True for this Entrepreneur

The American Dream, the set of ideals that includes upward mobility and the opportunity for prosperity and success, can sometimes feel out of reach if you’re a struggling a entrepreneur or small business. Adi Redzic achieved it and shares tips on how to stay on track and achieve our...
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How to Optimize Workspace Organization and Gain Productivity

How to Optimize Workspace Organization and Gain Productivity

Workspace organization can be a real challenge, especially if you’re in startup mode or a solopreneur, but these tips will get you organized & more productive.
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The Truth About How to Choose the Ideal Business Accountant

The Truth About How to Choose the Ideal Business Accountant

Finding the ideal business accountant can feel like a daunting process but retired CPA Maxine Stern makes it easy with her practical tips, including how to best utilize their expertise at all stages of your business journey.
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How to Reliably Improve Workplace Trust and Collaboration

How to Reliably Improve Workplace Trust and Collaboration

Trust and collaboration are essential business leadership skills. Fortune 100 human resources expert Jill Ratliff shares how to get more of it.
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What You Need to Know About Sales Funnels for Digital Marketing

What You Need to Know About Sales Funnels for Digital Marketing

Sales funnels can be confusing, but they're necessary if you want to make money while you sleep. Jason Wright shares how to crush it with sales funnels.
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How to Make Managing a Remote Workforce Easier on Yourself

How to Make Managing a Remote Workforce Easier on Yourself

Managing a remote workforce is the new normal and a tremendous leadership challenge. Tom Libelt has been doing it successfully for more than 10 years. Discover what works and what doesn't.
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How to Crush It with Online Reviews

How to Crush It with Online Reviews

Online reviews can help your business grow. Discover what the 'King of Reviews' knows that you don't about getting his remarkable success of over 2000 online reviews.
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I’ve been listening to different segments from Business Confidential Now. I’m particularly enjoying the interview with Lou Diamond. I have spent many years in operations management and coaching employees, but the network outreach and business development side is very new to me as I’ve been forming my own organization Lion Lexicon. This interview confirms the lessons I’ve learned this year and has added unique insight.

I appreciate your engaging interview style balanced with a targeted and measured approach. As a professional transcript editor, I have heard many interviewers over the years, so I definitely appreciate this (also, actually listening and not stepping on your interviewee).

Alex J. Wagner

Managing Editor, Lion Lexicon Transcription & Editing