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The Podcast for Smart Executives, Managers, and Entrepreneurs

Improve Business Performance by

Identifying Issues Hiding in Plain View That Matter to Your Bottom Line


    WHY LISTEN? Because what you don’t know about business can really hurt you

    WHAT DO YOU GET? Interviews with experts and thought leaders on topics you need to succeed

    WHAT ELSE? Curated Playlists to zero in on topics you’re most interested in

    WHEN? Every Thursday

    WHERE? Available wherever podcasts are streaming

    WITH?  Your no nonsense host, Hanna Hasl-Kelchner

Photo by Juja Han on Unsplash

Recent Episodes of Business Confidential Now with Hanna Hasl-Kelchner

Why Leaders Need to Beware of the Silo Effect with Sarah Siwak

Why Leaders Need to Beware of the Silo Effect with Sarah Siwak

The silo effect is when one group’s expertise walls off the department from everyone else. It's a costly consequence of growth that can be avoided.
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Business Bottlenecks Entrepreneurs Need to be Aware of with Laurent Notin

Business Bottlenecks Entrepreneurs Need to be Aware of with Laurent Notin

Business bottlenecks are like flat tires. They slow you down and happen at the worst times. Discover the most common business bottlenecks and how to avoid them.
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How to Improve the Strategic Value of Workplace Violence Prevention with Felix Nater

How to Improve the Strategic Value of Workplace Violence Prevention with Felix Nater

Workplace violence prevention is urgently needed in today's workplace. It's much more than keeping someone from going "postal" as expert Felix Nater explains.
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What You Absolutely Need to Know About Selling to Skeptical Buyers with Jeremy Miner

What You Absolutely Need to Know About Selling to Skeptical Buyers with Jeremy Miner

Skeptical buyers are everywhere, sorting through mountains of information coming at them from all directions. Discover what you need to know to be successful.
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A Leadership Guide to More Cultural Agility with Prof. Paula Caligiuri

A Leadership Guide to More Cultural Agility with Prof. Paula Caligiuri

Cultural agility is a skill many leaders don't typically think about; but it's growing in importance as businesses become more diversified at home and abroad
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The Keys to Transitioning From Corporate to Entrepreneur with Doc Wright

The Keys to Transitioning From Corporate to Entrepreneur with Doc Wright

Transitioning from corporate to entrepreneur sounds like a dream come true for many. But what’s the best way to do it? What do you need to look out for? Doc Wright, founder of The Wright Edge shares the lessons learned from his successful journey. 
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Business Planning Secrets for More Entrepreneurial Success with Carl Baumann

Business Planning Secrets for More Entrepreneurial Success with Carl Baumann

Business planning can feel like an intimidating process. If the very thought of writing one makes your eyes glaze over, fasten your seat belt as SCORE mentor Carl Baumann explains why crafting a business plan is a dynamic roadmap to more business success.   
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The Most Badass Leadership Skill You Need to Succeed with David Wood

The Most Badass Leadership Skill You Need to Succeed with David Wood

Badass Leadership sounds dangerous, but David Wood author of Mouse in the Room: Because the Elephant isn't Alone, say playing it safe could be worse.
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What All Aspiring IPOs Need to Know to Conquer Capital Markets with Adam J. Epstein

What All Aspiring IPOs Need to Know to Conquer Capital Markets with Adam J. Epstein

Initial public offerings (IPOs) sound glamorous, but are financial minefields for the unvitiated whose pre-IPO mistakes haunt them after the fact.
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How Smart Leaders Successfully Conquer Fear of Conflict at Work with Dr. Debra Dupree

How Smart Leaders Successfully Conquer Fear of Conflict at Work with Dr. Debra Dupree

Conquering the fear of conflict at work is one way smart leaders and good bosses set themselves apart from the rest. Dr. Debra Dupree, aka The Mindset Doc, explains how.
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How to Confidently Beat Sales Quotas with Steve Weinberg

How to Confidently Beat Sales Quotas with Steve Weinberg

Sales quotas can often feel like the brass ring that's just out of reach but they don't have to be. Steve Weinberg, author of Above Quota Performance explains.
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The Smartest Way to Transform Customer Frustration into Satisfaction with Janelle Barlow

The Smartest Way to Transform Customer Frustration into Satisfaction with Janelle Barlow

Customer frustration is something we can all relate to. Janelle Barlow say they're really gifts and has tips for turning lemons into lemonade.
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Secrets to Underdog Brand Success with Mike Sullivan

Secrets to Underdog Brand Success with Mike Sullivan

Having an underdog brand can sound like a tough position in a dog-eat-dog world. But challenger brand guru Mike Sullivan says it has some unique advantages
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Easy Ways to Improve Business Conflict Management Skills with Richard Blank

Easy Ways to Improve Business Conflict Management Skills with Richard Blank

Conflict management skills, the ability to turn down the heat in a convo is a powerful leadership competency. Discover its secrets from a call center expert.
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How to Avoid A-Player Trap Pitfalls with Rusty Gaillard

How to Avoid A-Player Trap Pitfalls with Rusty Gaillard

The A-player trap happens when an A student becomes the A-player at work, and then suddenly finds their old ways don’t work as well as they used to. Now what?
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Powerful Tips for Buying or Selling a Business with David Barnett

Powerful Tips for Buying or Selling a Business with David Barnett

Tips for buying or selling a business are good to know. Chances are it's one of the biggest transactions of your life & you can't afford to make a mistake.
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How Winning at Any Cost Causes Good People to Do Bad Things with Alec Burlakoff

How Winning at Any Cost Causes Good People to Do Bad Things with Alec Burlakoff

Winning at any cost is a wink and a nod to doing whatever it takes to get the job done. It speaks to a work ethic that encourages persistence and creativity.
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Best Ways of Improving Communications between Coworkers with Jerome Myers

Best Ways of Improving Communications between Coworkers with Jerome Myers

Improving communications between coworkers can sound like an impossible task. Discover how to corral those competing personalities and dynamics.
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Keys to Start-up Success with Jan Cavelle

Keys to Start-up Success with Jan Cavelle

Start-up success is every entrepreneur’s dream. Making it a reality is the challenge. Jan Cavelle shares her journey to 100 million in sales.
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Improving the Customer Experience with Bill Price

Improving the Customer Experience with Bill Price

What can you do about improving the customer experience? Amazon's first global vice president of customer service has some great ideas for you.
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I’ve been listening to different segments from Business Confidential Now. I’m particularly enjoying the interview with Lou Diamond. I have spent many years in operations management and coaching employees, but the network outreach and business development side is very new to me as I’ve been forming my own organization Lion Lexicon. This interview confirms the lessons I’ve learned this year and has added unique insight.

I appreciate your engaging interview style balanced with a targeted and measured approach. As a professional transcript editor, I have heard many interviewers over the years, so I definitely appreciate this (also, actually listening and not stepping on your interviewee).

Alex J. Wagner

Managing Editor, Lion Lexicon Transcription & Editing