Business comes at you fast and no one can afford to get blind-sided by business issues hiding in plain view that matter to your bottom line.
Business Confidential Now gives you access to the business information you need to succeed in weekly interviews with thought leaders, experts, and authors who share their secrets for more business success. It’s everything from people management, sales, marketing, and finance, to corporate governance and risk management.
These are the trusted advisors, the ones Big Business pay big bucks for, who are quietly igniting change behind closed doors and transforming businesses around world. Check out our past episodes and subscribe to the show.
Hosted by Hanna Hasl-Kelchner, MBA, JD
I’ve been a trusted advisor for more than 35 years, helping influential decision makers ranging from start-ups to the S&P 500 to the White House and I’ve seen first-hand how what you don’t know in business really can hurt you.
Even if you have one of those fancy Ivy League MBAs, it’s impossible to have all the answers – there are simply too many nooks and crannies in business to be good at everything.
I know first-hand because I HAVE one of those fancy MBAs, I’ve even taught at some of those fancy MBA schools and have been a practicing attorney.
BUT it is possible to discover where those nooks and crannies are, to learn what questions should be asked and to have some fun in the process.
That’s where Business Confidential Now comes in. It gives you access to business information you need to succeed.
Unlike most lawyers, I have both entrepreneurial and corporate experience. Growing up I had a front row seat to my parents American Dream, watching them build a successful business from scratch and later ran my own business before age 30.
I’ve sat on both sides of the desk and that’s why today I love to bridge the gap between business and law through public speaking, teaching and mentoring through Business M.O., LLC, and with M.O.’s Business Confidential Now podcast, to help entrepreneurs see business issues hiding in plain view.
Doing the right things in the right way is not only the right thing to do, it’s smart business because you’re creating a workplace where employees can be their best selves, contribute amazing things and skyrocket your business.
It lets you build a business that’s not only profitable; but, one you can be proud to tell your grandkids about some day. It also helps keep you out of court.
‘Common, you knew I had to mention that.
Oh . . . and don’t forget to check out my new book, Seeking Fairness at Work: Cracking the New Code of Greater Employee Engagement, Retention & Satisfaction.
It was recently awarded a Silver Metal Book Award by the Nonfiction Authors Association.

Discover the business issues hiding in plain view that matter to your bottom line.
Created for smart business owners, executives, managers, and entrepreneurs who want to increase their business leadership effectiveness and side-step the School of Hard Knocks.
Each Thursday you’ll hear top-line insights, tools and straight talk from experts, authors and change makers who share their secrets for more success on a wide range of business topics.
These are the trusted advisors, the ones Big Business pay big bucks for, who are quietly igniting change behind closed doors and transforming businesses around world. And now, you can join those conversations too by simply tuning in. It’s easy.
Our topics vary from week to week because business is multi-faceted and the higher you climb in your organization the more information you need to effectively lead your company and keep all of its moving parts aligned and moving forward.
We talk about everything from leadership and people management, to sales, marketing, and finance, corporate governance and risk management.
Why? Because business has lots of nooks and crannies.
It’s impossible to be good at everything or know everything.
Your expertise makes you a valuable contributor early in your career; but as your management and leadership responsibilities grow, so too does the need to expand your knowledge base because it’s essential to keep your finger on the pulse of your business and be able to ask the right questions to get the information you need to make informed decisions, as well as recruit the right talent.
We even talk about how to manage stress and keep your head from exploding because, let’s be real, things pile up sometimes and it’s tough to juggle everything.
It’s OK – you’re not alone – it’s a big club, one that you can join for free by listening to Business Confidential Now, one where you’ll be able to access resource packed information on every single episode page at https://BusinessConfidentialRadio.com.
The show was created by Hanna Hasl-Kelchner, founder of Business M.O. and the Legal Leverage Academy, several years ago because business comes at you fast and no one can afford to get blind-sided. Especially by something you didn’t know, but somehow SHOULD know in your role as a business leader and key decision maker.
Look – It’s not your fault, even if you have one of those fancy Ivy League MBAs, it’s impossible to have all the answers.
Hanna knows this to be true as a matter of fact because she HAS one of those fancy MBAs and even taught in a few top tier MBA programs. She’s also been a practicing business attorney who has seen first-hand what happens when things go south. That’s why she created this podcast.
Hanna knows how to ask the questions that get the answers YOU need to succeed.
She’s been a trusted advisor, who for more than 35 years has helped influential business leaders and decision makers ranging from start-ups to the S&P 500 to the White House. Hanna has also seen how what you don’t know in business really can hurt you and bite you in the assets.
The show typically runs approximately 25 – 35 minutes and releases a new episode every Thursday.
It’s usually an interview show; but, once in a while Hanna will put on her lawyer hat and feature some no-nonsense legal information.
Join Hanna and start listening to Business Confidential Now today.
The more you dive into our rich archive of past episodes, follow and subscribe to Business Confidential Now, the more you’ll be able to grow and protect your business NOW.
Listen on any app that supports podcasts, and visit https://BusinessConfidentialRadio.com.
Please remember to tell all your business friends about the show and leave a positive comment.
Elevating Employee Engagement
Elevating employee engagement to have a more productive and committed workforce is part of every leadership or management agenda.
But some people excel at it while others fall flat. Wishful thinking doesn’t make it happen and in this episode we’ll explore what does.
What You’ll Discover About Elevating Employee Engagement:
* How elevating employee engagement can improve your bottom line
* The three types of employee engagement
* The role of empathy and self-awareness in elevating employee engagement
* And much more
Host: Hanna Hasl-Kelchner
Hanna Hasl-Kelchner is an advocate for fairness in the workplace. She helps organizations gain clarity to make more informed decisions by reducing complex concepts into sensible, bite size pieces. Hanna accomplishes this as a business strategist and through her writing, speaking, consulting, and popular syndicated podcast, Business Confidential Now.
Hanna brings a unique perspective to the table, growing up in an entrepreneurial family and running a business before age 30 and blending it with decades practicing business law. Those experiences enabled her to successfully bridge the gap between the two disciplines during her career as a trusted advisor to influential decision makers ranging from startups to the S&P 500, Big Tobacco, and the White House.
She has also been on the faculty at two top-ranked MBA programs: The Duke University Fuqua School of Management and the University of Virginia, Darden School of Business.
Related Resources:
If you liked this interview, you might also enjoy our other Leadership and Management episodes, especially:
Part 1: Unveiling the Truth: Workplace Fairness Myths vs Reality
Part 2: The Key to Retaining Top Talent: A Fair Work Environment
Part 3: Why Low Employee Engagement is Not an Employee Problem
Part 4: 5 Toxic Leadership Trends that Kill High Employee Engagement
Part 5: How to Keep Positional Power From Being a Huge Achille’s Heel
Contact Hanna and connect with her on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
Her new book Seeking Fairness at Work on Amazon, in print, ebook and audio editions.